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Diposting oleh abdul muis Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009

Adam's body has nine cavities or burrows. Seven holes in the head and two in the bottom of the body namely two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, one mouth, an anus and a urethra. Five faculty members completed a certain eye for sight, ears for hearing, pengesanan nose for smells, tongue to taste like sour, salty, sweet and bitter and a touch of the skin to heat, cold, pressure, and pain kelikatan.

When God made Adam's body, the soil mixed with fresh water, brackish and hanyir with fire and wind. Then Allah Nur resapkan into Adam's body with various "properties". Then Adam's body with hand held Jabarut and placed in Malakut Nature. Soil was mixed with incense and potions terms of the Nur-dirasmi nature of God and the "Bahr Uluhiyah". Then, the body dibenam in "Kudral 'Izzah" namely the nature of "the Way and Jammal" and perfected the body.

When human events is not known how long though by what means such calculations even in the Qur'aan: "Is not been passed to humans when the period of one (outstanding), while he (still not being longer and) not be called an object - call ... " (76:1)

According to scholars, Adam's body shrouded in a period of 120 years, 40 years on dry land, 40 years on the wet ground and 40 years in the land of black and smelly. From there, God changed the way the body of Adam tertutuplah glory and essence of the form. Kerana process it through the ranks of "dirty", not the angel and the devil hairan contempt for the human events which will be created from the ground.

Take in the spirit

God commanded the Spirit to enter the body of Adam, but like other creatures, spirits are also reluctant, lazy and reluctant kerana bodies like stone. It is said the spirit berlegar-legar around Adam's body as he witnessed the angels. Later, God ordered the angel Azrael forcing the body memassuki spirit into the body of Adam. He put it into the body and spirit slowly went up to the head that took the 200-year period. Once absorbed into the head of Adam, the berfungsilah brain and nervous tersusunlah perfectly. Then, there continue to open my eyes and saw his body is still hard and angels all around. Ear begins to work and heard the angels kalimah beads. When the spirit comes into the nose, then he sneezed and his mouth was open. God teaches kalimah "Thank God" which is the first kalimah pronounced Adam and God himself who responded.

Then, the spirit came to her chest and Adam wanted to get up when her bottom was still hard. When it was shown that human nature in a hurry. When the spirit to the abdomen, the abdominal organs and arranged in perfect and it was Adam's first time to feel hungry. Finally, the spirit permeates the whole body of Adam, hands and feet and perfect all berfungsilah with flesh and blood, bone, nerves and skin. According to history, Adam was very good skin as it varies in human skin color is still present and can be seen in the nails as a warning to human offspring.

With that, the perfect man was the first incident and Adam were held as "Abul Basyar" namely the Father of Man. However, only the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. a mat "Abul Spirit" or "Abu Souls" namely the Father of all Spirit.

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