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Diposting oleh abdul muis Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

Imam Ahmad narrated from Muhammad ibn Qais ibn Ubadah, he said, "I was in the mosque. Suddenly there came a sign on his face was kekusyukan. He prayed two cycles are short. People say, 'This guy's Paradise. '
After he left, so I followed him up at his house, then I joined in. kerumahnya. We talked, and after the close I asked, 'When you enter the mosque, people say that you people of Paradise. " He responded, 'Glory of God. Should not someone say something that does not know.

I'll tell you why I am so. Actually I had a dream as if I was in the green park. ' "Ibn Aun said:" People were told greenish and breadth of the park.' In the middle of the park there is an iron pole. Stuck to the bottom of the earth and its top towered into the sky. In the middle there is a rope.
All of a sudden say to me, 'Come! "
So I said, 'I can not. "
Then came the waiter. "
"Ibn Aun said," The waiter was a young man. The waiter rolled up my shirt from behind and said, 'Come! " So akupun rises to successfully hold the rope.

He said, 'Hold the rope. " So I woke up and the rope really exists ditanganku.
Then I met the Messenger of Allah. and told it to him. So he said, 'The garden symbolizes the garden of Islam, the pillar symbolizes the Islamic pillars, and the rope is sturdy rope. You will always convert to Islam until death. ' "
This hadith mentioned in shahihain. The man was' Abdullah bin Salam r.a.

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